Blog Posts

How is a wine made?

How is a wine made?

Wine is a combination of several natural factors that, controlled by a winemaker, can make us enjoy it in so many ways. In our desire to obtain gre...
Basic steps of the winemaking process

Basic steps of the winemaking process

Have you ever wondered how wines are made? Well, in this article we talk about the winemaking process and a summary of each step; from harvesting t...
Master of Wine and Sommelier Master How are they different?

Master of Wine and Sommelier Master How are they different?

The world of wine has many variables that must be taken into account when it comes to knowledge, this has made that all wine experts around the glo...
Topics for an awesome conversation at a party gathering: wines

Topics for an awesome conversation at a party gathering: wines

It happens to all of us that, in a celebration meeting or event, we find that those who are our partners at the table may have not much affinity wi...
Accesories that any wine lover must know

Accesories that any wine lover must know

If you consider yourself a wine lover and you want to be up-to-date, the list we’re going to share with you in today’s article will help you to kno...
The secrets behind the love for wines

The secrets behind the love for wines

Wine is considered by lovers, an art that they never finish learning. Even a casual wine drinker will eventually reach a point where the topics of ...